Cookie Policy

Version 1.0
Schemon, Inc.
Last Update: June 1, 2024


This Cookie Policy explains how cookies and similar technologies are used to recognize you when you visit Schemon websites or use Schemon services. The Cookie Policy also explains what these technologies are, why they are used, to what extend they are used and the choices for how to control them.


Schemon,Inc. is referred in this document as “Schemon”. It also implies Schemon when “we”, “us”, and “ours”is written in this document.

Schemon provides certain services over the Internet. These services which are called “services” in this document are:

  • the Schemon website ( (called the “website”),
  • the Schemon blog ( (called the “blog”),
  • the Schemon portal ( (called the“portal”),
  • and any other service accessed over any Schemon subdomain.

The software that is used to access Schemon services is referred as the“navigator”. The navigator can be a desktop computer, a laptop computer, a tablet or mobile based device. It can also be any other type of tool that provides access to Schemon services.

The person accessing services via a navigator, you, is referred as the“visitor”. It is also implied when “you” and“your” is written in this document. If you are accessing the portal by signing in, you are using the Schemon portal, referred as “user” in this document.

Processing Of Personal Data

We may process personal data about you when we implement cookies or similar technologies on our services. The extend of this processed personal data will depend on whether you are a visitor or user.

For example, as a visitor, your IP address, geolocation and web navigator model can be processed. Once you sign up to the portal, becoming a user, much more personal data will be processed.  For example as a user, your username, email address and home / work address will be processed.  

Under any condition, we will only process your personal data in compliance with our Privacy Policy. You can read our Privacy Policy to understand how, what and why we collect your personal data, who we may share your personal data with and how you can exercise your rights under applicable data protection law.

What Is A Cookie?

A cookie is traditionally a piece of data contained in a text file that is stored in your browser or elsewhere on your hard drive. Current technological developments have extended the use of cookies by also using server-side cookies which link your local cookie to a server-side cookie with uniquely addressable identifiers. This Cookie Policy covers both types of use of cookies for transparency.

Who Sets The Cookies?

Whilst visiting Schemon services, various parties might set cookies. These parties are 3rd party service providers that Schemon isusing for various purposes. These purposes are, but not limited to:

  • Analytics: Which pages are visited and similar analytics
  • Payments: While doing payments a 3rd party financial institution processes
  • Messaging: While sending messages a 3rd party service provider is used

These 3rd party services are used by Schemon to provide secure, reliable and cost-effective services which visitors and users benefit from.

Cookies set by Schemon on services are called “first party cookies”. Cookies set on services by other parties are called “third party cookies”. Third party cookies enable third party features or functionality to be provided on or through the Schemon services.

Why Do We Use Cookies?

Schemon uses 3rd parties that set cookies on services. These 3rd party services are mainly used:

  • to analyze how our services are used daily and to improve the usability of our services for users and visitors,
  • to analyze what type of content visitors are interested in and generate more content on those topics,
  • to analyze what type of features users are interested in and work more on improving those features,
  • to improve the functionality and general operation of our services,
  • to provide easy to access and fast user interfaces,
  • to provide effective communication services,
  • to provide safe and secure payment processing services.

To What Extend Do We Use Cookies?

We use cookies with very limited data only to make our services work effectively. These cookies are necessary to enable core functionality of our services. You may disable these cookies through browser settings but this will affect the functionality and performance of our services.

Some cookies that have been set on our services are not set on a first party basis by Schemon. These third party service providers may set their own cookies on your navigator. We do not control the use of these third party cookies as cookies can only be accessed by the third party that originally set them.

What Are The Set Cookies?

The following cookies are set on Schemon services:

  • Name: sch[*]
    Title: Schemon Service Cookies
    Purpose: Cookies starting with "sch" are required for service operations
    Lifetime: 14 days
    Set By: Schemon
    Type: First Party
  • Name: AWSALB
    Title: AWS Load Balancing Cookie
    Purpose: Used by AWS to direct and distribute traffic to our services
    Lifetime: 7 days
    Set By: Amazon Web Services
    Type: Third Party
  • Name: __stripe_mid
    Title: Payment Fraud Prevention Cookie
    Purpose: Used by Stripe, payment provider, to prevent fraud
    Lifetime: 1 year
    Set By: Stripe
    Type: Third Party
  • Name: __stripe_sid
    Title: Paymet Fraud Prevention Cookie
    Purpose: Used by Stripe, payment proider, to prevent fraud
    Lifetime: 30 minutes
    Set By: Stripe
    Type: Third Party

What We Do With IP Addresses

When you access Schemon services we collect your IP addresses. This data is used to track and analyze information about the devices that are connecting to our systems and about where those devices are located. For example, we use IP addresses to track from which region a given visitor is accessing to prevent possible fraud.

Updates To This Cookie Policy

ThisCookie Policy might be updated from time to time. The date at the topof this Cookie Policy indicates when it was last updated. Pleasere-visit this Cookie Policy regularly to stay informed about our useof cookies.

How To Reach Us

If you have a question about this Cookie Policy, or you would like to contact us about any of your rights mentioned herein, please contact us at

You may reach us by mail at Schemon, Inc., Christiana Corporate Business Center, 200 Continental Dr Suite 401, PMB 1578, Newark, DE, 19713, USA.