Trademark Usage Policy

Version 1.0
Schemon, Inc.
Last Update: June 1, 2024


Schemon owns the trademarks for the Schemon name, products, logos and other intellectual properties (called the “Schemon Marks”).

Schemon developed this Policy to:

  • Provide guidelines for those who would like use the Schemon Marks,
  • Clearly define how different parties can and cannot use the Schemon Marks,
  • Discourage anyone from using the Schemon Marks to deceive people,

As such, you will need permission from Schemon to use any Schemon Marks if you intend to use the Schemon Marks in a manner that is not permitted under this Policy.

Additionally, if we determine that your use of the Schemon Marks is in violation of this Policy, we can revoke your right to use the Schemon Marks at any time.


Schemon,Inc. is referred in this document as “Schemon”. It also implies Schemon when “we”, “us”, and “ours”is written in this document.

Schemon provides certain services over the Internet. These services, which are called “services” in this document are:

The software that is used to access Schemon services is referred as the“navigator”. The navigator can be desktop computer, laptop computer, tablet or mobile based. It can also be any other type oftool that provides access to Schemon services.

The person accessing services via a navigator, you, is referred as the“visitor”. It is also implied when “you” and “your” is written in this document. You are a visitor if your access is limited with the website and blog. If you are accessing the portal by signing in, you are using the Schemon portal, referred as “user” in this document.

Permitted Uses of the Schemon Marks

Please note that any use of the Schemon Marks must be in accordance with the Brand Usage Guidelines. Please check out the guidelines before usage.

The following are acceptable and permitted uses of the Schemon Marks:

  • Refer and Explain Your Services: The Schemon Marks can be used in a referential phrase to refer to and explain your services. It should not be in a Schemon Mark stylized format and should not suggest an affiliation with or an endorsement by Schemon. The use must be clearly less prominent than your own brand or business name or service name.
  • Provide Access to the Schemon System: The Schemon Marks can be used to link to the Schemon portal or any other Schemon service as long as the Brand Usage Guidelines are followed for these type of links.
  • Powered By Schemon: The Schemon Marks can be used to explain to your customers that Schemon is used in the backend. Please see the Brand Usage Guidelines for this type of usage.

Prohibited Uses of the Schemon Marks

Unless you have our explicit permission, you are expressly prohibited from:

  • Registering the Schemon Marks or derivative words as part of a domain name,
  • Combining any of the Schemon Marks with your company name, your product, your marks, or incorporate any of the Schemon Marks into your logo,
  • Using a logo, company name, domain name, or mark that is confusingly similar to the Schemon Marks,
  • Using phrases such as “Schemon Partner” or “Schemon Certified” or "Schemon Approved",
  • Changing the color and shape of our logo,
  • Using old versions of the Schemon Marks

Advertising Rules and Restrictions

You cannot use the Schemon Marks in any keyword targeting via AdSense / AdWords or similar products. You may be able to use the Schemon Marks in the text of advertising provided that you are just referring to your services and it is clear that you are not authorized, affiliated or otherwise endorsed by Schemon.

When you display the Schemon Marks or the Schemon product in demonstrations, webinars or your materials, you must include disclaimers stating that these usages are not directly endorsed or authorized or sponsored or affiliated with Schemon, Inc.

Requesting Permission of Use

If you would like to use the Schemon Marks in a manner that is prohibited or not provided for in this policy, please email to seek permission.

Violations of this Policy

Schemon may permanently or temporarily terminate, downgrade, suspend or prohibit your access to the Schemon services without prior notice and liability if you violate any provision of this Policy.

Updates to This Trademark Usage Policy

This Trademark Usage Policy might be updated from time to time. The date at the top of this Trademark Usage Policy indicates when it was last updated. Please re-visit this Trademark Usage Policy regularly to stay informed about our security measures.

How to Reach Us

If you have a question about this Trademark Usage Policy, or you would like to contact us about any of your rights mentioned herein, please contact us at

You may reach us by mail at Schemon, Inc., Christiana Corporate Business Center, 200 Continental Dr, Suite 401, PMB 1578, Newark, DE, 19713,USA.